Written Warning (GA)
Written warnings are often a first or second step in a workplace progressive disciplinary process. If an employee violates a written policy or has other performance or workplace conduct issues, a written warning will notify them of the problem and serve as a written record of their action and your response. Having clear documentation of the entire disciplinary process is important to protect you and your business from liability.
The timing of the written warning will depend on your company's discipline policy, but it's usually either immediately after the violation or after a verbal warning.
This employee warning letter can be customized to provide details of one or more specific violations or issues so there are no misunderstandings. You can also choose to list any consequences for continued misconduct and identify any specific written policies that were violated.
Note that this is for a written warning only and is to be used with non-unionized employees (i.e., employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement). If you are taking any disciplinary action (including but not limited to suspension with or without pay, performance improvement plans, etc.), you should use a Disciplinary Notice instead.